"You Know"

When you don’t think they’ll do it,

But they do it, anyway,

No, you can’t control it,

And nothing you can say.

You know you love your children,

But now you must let go,

Let ‘em make their own choice,

But Lord, it’s hard you know.

But see, that’s just what love does,

It will not take control,

Refuses to manipulate,

Or over-step its role.

And life will have its lessons,

That they will never learn,

Unless you let ‘em stumble,

And their own wisdom learn.

If you are still the bale-out,

Every time they fail,

They will never learn it,

No wind for their own sail.

Love shows you the difference,

‘Tween boundaries that are clear,

And all that you enable,

With results that you fear.

The very thing you save them from,

Will be the thing they do,

Just put them in the Lord’s hands,

And He’ll give peace to you.

“The sacrifice You desire is a broken spirit. You will not reject a broken and repentant heart…” (Ps. 51:17, NLT)

Each person must come to God as an individual. His salvation through Jesus Christ is personal. It cannot be transferred from one to another. It can only be experienced individually. No matter how godly my parents or grandparents were, their experience with God can only help me by example. It’s up to each individual to take responsibility for their own actions and make their peace with the Lord. Parents can delay the process by over-stepping their boundaries. Almost all of us do it, in one way or another. But our kids must learn, just like we learned. And many times it is the hard way. Truth is, we cannot learn it for them. We can counsel, pray, guide and help them. But there comes a time when we put let them go into the Lord’s hands, even if it appears they are going the wrong direction. Then He deals with them by His Spirit. It is only when they are broken and acknowledge their need, that He can unleash His grace upon them.

Lord, we pray for all whom we love. We surrender them into Your hands, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Don Weller, donweller.com.  Used by permission.  Thanks, Don, and God bless you.

Art by Don Weller, donweller.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Don, and God bless you.

Brad McClain