"You Know"
Sometimes you know it’s coming,
You know it won’t be long,
The grace is flowing thinly,
To over-stay is wrong.
The ending of a season,
A new one soon begins,
Don’t hold onto what once was,
The good times or the sins.
‘Cause God is always moving,
We need to move with Him,
If your hand is on the plough,
Stop looking where you’ve been.
Stay focused on the vision,
And what to do today,
Get on with your obedience,
Let nothing make you stay.
Sometimes God’s own children,
Will in a place get stuck,
They still love the Savior,
And aren’t about to shuck,
The blessing He has given,
Or the praise they want to give,
They are just having trouble,
With the way they ought to live.
And if we keep on doing,
Just what we’ve always done,
The same results we’re getting,
And fewer battles won.
May seem to others reckless,
A little crazy, too,
But walk by faith in Jesus,
And make it something new.
“…more and more like Him as we are changed into His glorious image…” (2 Corintians 3:18, NLT)
The Christian life is all about change. That’s why we should never get stuck along the way. Every new season calls us to become more and more like Jesus, and that is precisely what the work of the Spirit accomplishes as we cooperate with Him. It starts when we turn to the Lord, and ends when we go home to be with Him or He comes again. Its a lifelong adventure! Don’t get stuck. Keep on, keeping on.
Lord, help us make new steps of faith, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Don Dane, dondane.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Don, and God bless you.