
It’s just plain old zimectrin,

But some take it everyday,

Horse wormer for the Covid,

That’s what I hear ‘em say.

They put it on a cracker,

Or just right off a spoon,

Say it’s pretty tasteless,

I’m worried that real soon,

There won’t be any wormer,

For the horses that I keep,

But human health is pending,

If it helps take the leap.

I’ve lost good friends to Covid,

I had it, too, got well,

We had the big infusion,

Now it’s hard to tell,

If I need vaccinating,

Or really ought to wait,

Want to be wise and willing,

Not sure, hope not too late.

So guess each one deciding,

What they themselves should do,

Our health and healing matters,

And that is always true.

And bottom line I’m praying,

To do God’s will for me,

Surrendering my body,

And direction, don’t you see.

I know He uses medicine,

Guess horse wormer, too,

Lord, please make it obvious,

What each of us should do.

“…honor God with your body…” (1 Cor. 6:20, NIV)

We are taught by Scripture that our bodies do not belong to us, but to the Lord. Our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit, therefore we cannot do just anything we like with them. This applies to our gender and sexuality but so much more. Jesus died for everything that gives us our identity- body, soul, and spirit. The Scriptures tell us that ultimately those who die in Christ will be raised on the final day, and those who are alive when this happens will be transformed in the “twinkling of an eye.” All this to say, it is imperative to make sure that our bodies are used as an advertisement for God’s grace and nothing less. When it comes to medicine, vaccines, and medical treatment, we much prayerfully consider all our options and use as much wisdom as possible. The same goes for our diets, exercise and everything else that keeps us healthy. With the Covid virus, we especially should be aware of all our options and choose wisely. God will honor what we choose if we choose to honor Him with our bodies.

Lord, we give You our bodies and ask that Your Holy Spirit flow through us, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Mark Maggiori, markmaggiori.com.  Used by permission.  Thanks, Mark, and God bless you.

Art by Mark Maggiori, markmaggiori.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Mark, and God bless you.

Brad McClain