The days seem fleetly flying,
And at day’s end I’m sighing,
Sun sets low I’m trying,
To hear the word God gives.
And can’t help but remember,
The times burns like dry tinder,
God’s Spirit is the sender,
Of the truth by which we live.
So much of life that bothers,
All lies the devil fathers,
We cast out all his robbers,
And give no place to him.
But this life is a battle,
So ride tall in the saddle,
No time for foolish prattle,
We’ve moved from where we’ve been.
I guess what I am saying,
Is I am always praying,
That there is no delaying,
What God’s plan is for me.
Today I look to Jesus,
‘Cause He’s the One who frees us,
May His power seize us,
To live abundantly.
“The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life.” (John 10:10, NLT)
Abundant life is what Jesus wants us to experience. He contrasts this abundant life with the devil’s intention to steal, kill, and destroy. Seems like a no-brainer, but truth is, some folks never see it. They keep chasing a “rich and satisfying life” but never come to the One who promises to give it to them.. So, it never happens. But that doesn’t mean it can’t. It can happen to anybody. Oh, and as a reminder, those who believe in Jesus and follow Him should remind themselves that it’s okay to enjoy life. Many of us have been religiously conditioned to feel guilty anytime we have fun or pleasure of any kind. Put simply, the devil is a party-pooper who wants to keep us sad and sorry. Today is a gift. Jesus wants it to be abundant. Let it be.
Lord, help us focus on the abundant life You died and were raised to give us, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Dino Cornay, used by permission. Thanks, Dino, and God bless you.