
They say he cried for momma,

As his blood poured on the ground,

And then he got so very still,

Made ne’er another sound.

He was bringing them the ammo,

When the shell hit very close,

Nearly cut him half in two,

It’s not the death he chose.

Another scheduled for a furlough,

Be home in just two days,

But death’s a cruel mistress,

You cannot guess her ways,

The roadside bomb was planted,

Right where he had to go,

And in just a moment,

He lost his life you know.

And many more the stories,

The sniper and the knife,

The endless scenes of ambush,

The flag-draped end of life.

And here we are with barbeque,

And time out at the beach,

Don’t have to work on Monday,

Seems unreal and out of reach,

To think of those who suffered,

And sacrificed and died,

So we can live in freedom,

Have the blessings they provide.

The Good Book says no greater love,

Than to lay down one’s life,

To give one’s all to save your friends,

That is the biggest price.

And yet they went and did it,

What they didn’t have to do,

We should at least remember,

And appreciate, it’s true.

“There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends…” (John 15:13, NLT)

Not all of us are called to be physical martyrs for the things that matter. Those who die while serving a great cause should have our admiration and respect. We should give honor where honor is due, and never take for granted their sacrifice. The rest of us, however, should remind ourselves that is is by dying to our own selfishness that we become useful instruments in God’s hands. If we will choose to let our egos die, His Spirit can make us fruitful and productive as the Spirit flows through us. Whether we physically lay down our lives or spiritually abide as living sacrifices, let us focus on what matters the most and live with eternity in view. It’s the best way to live.

Lord, help us be willing to lay down our lives, in Jesus’ name.

So pause today, my brother,

And sisters all, with me,

Thank God for the ones who died,

And thank God that we’re free.

Photo shared by our friend, Brent Prince, used by permission.  Thanks, Brent, and God bless you.

Photo shared by our friend, Brent Prince, used by permission. Thanks, Brent, and God bless you.

Brad McClain