
So much alarm, potential harm,

When hatred has its way,

But what to do, so hard it’s true,

To spread the love today.


Because we know, and want to show,

The love God gave so strong,

They don’t believe and won’t receive,

Because they think we’re wrong.


Dismiss what’s true, and claim in lieu,

The lies of this old world,

Deceived and down, no truth is found,

With insults constant hurled.


The bottom line that we must find,

Is battle in the Spirit,

With armored prayer, fight evil there,

The only way to win it.


Bind and loose, escape the noose,

That’s thrown by demons’ hands,

Clear the way, in prayer to stay,

Rescue from sinking sands.


There on our knees, our God to please,

Our faith cooperates,

For great break-through, it’s what He’ll do,

And always worth the waits.


So don’t think hate will be our fate,

Because of what now is,

In Jesus’ name, no more the same,

The victory is His.

“For every child of God defeats this evil world, and we achieve this victory through our faith.” (1 John 5:4, NLT)
Nine eleven went down in history as one of the most tragic in American history, when hundreds of people died due to the hate-filled terrorist attacks on New York and Washington, DC. One plane was diverted and crashed in Pennsylvania, else there would have been even more damage and death though all passengers lost their lives. For a time, our nation put aside our differences and came together to grieve and pray. Now, it seems we are more divided than ever, and the animosity on all sides is fierce. As believers in Jesus we are called to love everyone and not be overwhelmed by the evil of this world. This is only possible if we focus on God’s love and walk in strong faith. This is the world’s only hope, and our ongoing emphasis. Keep on in faith. Love wins.

Lord, help us to defeat this evil world, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Don Weller, donweller.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Don, and God bless you.

Brad McClain