"Young Enough"

 I may have times when I feel tired,

And more than I used to,

My old bones will sometimes moan,

I’m sometimes down and blue.


But when I’m feelin’ older,

I remember I’m not through,

I still can ride, in you confide,

That’s what I plan to do.


In fact outside my window,

There’s a string of horses there,

Geldings three, wait just for me,

Two more of them are mares.


And you might ask the question,

Why so many steeds to ride,

The reason why, I cannot lie,

It’s nothing I’ve denied.


It’s just I love good horses,

And the more the better, see,

Might sound insane, but it’s so plain,

They mean a lot to me.


And I’m convinced God gave ‘em,

To bless me as I age,

So saddle up, old buttercup,

And trot out through the sage.


And don’t forget the Lord, you know,

When He comes back again,

He’ll ride a horse, big white, of course,

To gather home His kin.


And if the Lord keeps horses,

Makes perfect sense to me,

I’ll keep a few, so I can do,

What keeps me young, you see.

“Now that I am old and gray, do not abandon me, O God. Let me proclaim Your power to this new generation, Your mighty miracles to all who come after me…” (Psalm 71:18, NLT)

Older does not mean obsolete! In fact, the Psalmist says he will declare God’s miracles to this new generation. Amen! The perspective of older Christians is that we’ve lived long enough and been through enough to gain some godly wisdom. And that wisdom needs to be shared with others, particularly younger folks! There are all kinds of things that “keep people young,” not just riding horses. But whatever God uses in your life, get up and get with it. You have a lot to offer, and it’s not over till God says so.

Lord, help us proclaim Your miracles to this new generation, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Shawn Cameron, shawncameron.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Shawn, and God bless you.

Brad McClain