
I never saw him comin’,

Said the cowboy to the clown,

I tried to get between you,

Before he knocked you down.


But that old bull was squirrelly,

He had your number sure,

I tried my best to help you,

Time off will that break cure.


I never saw her comin’,

Said that old stockyard hand,

She turned and came right up the chute,

And not what I had planned.


She pinned me up against the gate,

I couldn’t get away.

And she sure worked me over,

‘Fore she finished with her play.


I never saw ‘em comin’,

Said the yearling to the cow,

Those cowboys sneaked up on us,

And laid a trap somehow.


They branded me and marked my ears,

And took my seeds away,

I’ll outrun ‘em next time,

That’s all I’ve got to say.


These lessons from the cowboy life,

Can teach us one big thing,

You might not see the devil comin’,

When his attack he’ll bring.


It’s why the Good Book tells us,

We need to be alert,

Keep our head screwed on a swivel,

So we will not get hurt.


It says he’s like a lion,

Roaring to devour,

So resist him strong in Jesus’ name,

And ready hour by hour.


He that is within us,

Is greater still than he,

Who comes to steal, kill and destroy,

And it will always be.


But we have to stay awake,

Or we will wish we did,

It’s the only remedy,

For old slew foot to be rid.

“Be of sober spirit, be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.” (1 Peter 5:8, NAS)

The counsel for those who are engaged in spiritual battle is clear. Be sober and be alert! Why does that matter? Because the devil is an ambusher and master of surprise attack. Let him who stands take heed lest he fall. Taking heed means we are watchful and ready. It’s not that we are paranoid or can’t enjoy good times for fear they will end. it’s one thing to rest in the Lord and quite another to go to sleep at the wheel. Don’t.

Lord, keep us alert, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Bill Owen, used by permission.

Brad McClain