
Some bend it, then defend it,

I’m speaking of what’s true,

They spin it, try to win it,

Though lying’s what they do.


Tell white ones, though not light ones,

That tend to leave black marks,

Compromising, rationalizing,

Rejecting light for dark.


Never knowing that they’re growing,

A harvest full of hurt,

And the reaping causes weeping,

When they the truth pervert.


The disbandment of commandment,

And disregard of truth,

Puts the liar in the fire,

And history is the proof.


Jesus said it and He fed it,

Said the truth will set you free,

Lies enslave us ‘cause they gave us,

Blindness that can’t see.


The reception of deception,

Exchanging truth for lie,

There’s a quickness in the sickness,

That leads a man to die.

Lies’ father is a bother,

Who steals, kills, and destroys,

We resist him, never missed him,

We’re aware of all his ploys.


Find the answer for the cancer,

And speak the truth in love,

There is healing where we’re kneeling,

From the God of truth above.

“And you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.” (John 8:32. NAS)

Lies enslave. Truth liberates. Satan is a liar, deceiver and the father of lies. He comes to steal, kill and destroy and uses lies to accomplish his mission. Jesus said “I am the way, the truth and the life.” We receive and believe the truth, and learn to live and speak the truth in love. The truth is a wonderful healer and defender. God always speaks the truth, and we raise His banner high. All those who hunger for truth can find it here and be set free. Hallelujah.

Lord, liberate us with Your truth, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Kenneth Wyatt, used by permission.

Brad McClain