"All Right, All Right, All Right"

Sometimes you need to hear it,

You’re going to be all right,

I remember with a mishap,

In the hospital one night.


My old pony slipped down with me,

When I tried to pen four more,

Had a slight concussion,

That headache was real sore.


But in that speeding ambulance,

A scared young teenage kid,

I heard, you’re gonna be all right,

‘Cause that’s just what they did.


I wondered if I’d make it,

With that first-time heart attack,

Got to the doctor really quick,

And he cut me some slack.


Said you’re gonna be all right,

And since so far, so good,

Appreciate that’s what he said,

And thankful that he would.


And in my darkest moments,

When I thought I’m better dead,

The words, you’re gonna be all right,

Were what the Spirit said.


And in the end the Spirit,

Will often comfort give,

By saying we will be all right,

And show us we can live,


Abundant life and healthy,

‘Cause Jesus died and lives,

And with Him forever,

Because His grace He gives.

“You go before me and follow me. You place Your hand of blessing on my head. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too great for me to understand! I can never escape from Your Spirit…” (Psalm 139:5-7, NLT)

This scripture and others like it describe God’s constant presence in our lives. He is there to help us when we need it the most, and there is no place we may go to escape Him. He has been with us, in every room, since we were conceived. Whether we acknowledged HIm or totally disregarded or denied His presence, He was always there. And when we turn and surrender to Him, He enters our hearts. Our bodies become His temple and He will never leave us. What a comfort it is to know He is always there, and because of Him, we are going to be all right. He makes it so.

Lord, make us all right by Your Spirit, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Bruce Greene, used by permission. Thanks, Bruce, and God bless you.

Brad McClain