

The frost comes on the pumpkin,

And the hay is in its stack,

The evenin’ air gets cool and there,

The geese are flying back.


And it’s time to think of holidays,

And when we’ll be together,

With family and those we see,

With winter’s coming weather.


It’s when our family’s birthdays,

Came one after another,

And tables flowed with food you know,

Prepared by our sweet mother.


And football games and cousins’ names,

And hunting quail and deer,

With horseback rides and joke confides,

The whole tribe was once here.


I remember well those happy times,

Now Mom and Dad are gone,

My heart gets full, I feel the pull,

Of what I once called home.


Now life has changed but thankful still,

We gather where we are,

Never fear nor shed a tear,

The ones we love not far.


‘Cause in our hearts we carry them,

Their presence with us now,

And thankful be, so much you see,

His Spirit shows us how.

“For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven…” (Ecclesiastes 3:1, NLT)

It is important for us to know that God moves through the seasons of life. If that’s true, and it is, then there is a slower progression than our day to day schedule allows. That’s because we time things to the minute and even to the second. In time past, things did not run that concisely. I experienced this on a trip to Barbados. When my driver to the airport arrived late I became stressed and nervous. He encouraged me not to worry, man, because now I was on “island time.” He was right. The airplane schedule was much more relaxed than I thought. Hmmm… I was reminded that the seasons turn, but not on a dime, and God so often moves that way in our lives, too. To be in step with the Spirit means I don’t try to rush the season, but flow with it. It’s good to remember it.

Lord, help us flow with Your season, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Tyler Crow, tylercrow.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Tyler, and God bless you.

Brad McClain