I do not know the reason,
Things happen as they do,
But I know the Good Lord,
Will always see us through.
He promised we could count on,
His presence and His peace,
And I, for one, believe it,
Because He gave release,
From burdens that I carried,
And hurts that would not heal,
Despair and old depression,
That made me often feel,
That life was not worth living,
And that it would never change,
But that was from the devil,
And the Lord can rearrange,
Your life in just a moment,
And give you a fresh start,
The grace you need will be there,
And flow within your heart.
And then you look back on it,
And see the Lord was there,
And you were on the verge of,
A breakthrough of His care.
If you had kept on going,
The way you were back then,
By now you would be sorry,
Or far worse off, my friend.
But you turned to Jesus,
And really got it right
Turned back from the darkness,
And ran into the light.
So never for one minute,
Doubt His love for you,
You may not understand things,
But He will see you through.
“‘Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.’ So we can say with confidence, ‘The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?’” (Hebrews 13:5-6, NIV)
God’s faithfulness is a beautiful thing. He promises never to forsake us. And that’s where we get our confidence. It’s not self-confidence, but rather confident based upon what God has said. We can say with confidence that we are not afraid. Why? Because He helps us and we can count on it. What can human beings do to us? They can do a lot in fact. But the bottom line is that it doesn’t matter what “they” do or don’t do. That’s because who we are and what we do does not ultimately depend upon them. It depends upon the one who is utterly dependable.
Lord, help us to depend upon You and what You have promised, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Ken Steinnerd, used by permission. Thanks, Ken, and God bless you.