"First Light"

We waited horseback for the light,

The gather for to be,

Cowboys smoked and watched the night,

Turn to day, you see.


Just a touch of coming fall,

A coolness on the breeze,

Catch ‘em out ‘fore it gets hot,

And handle ‘em with ease.


Spur and leather, lift the reins,

Horses moving at a walk,

Silence fills the morning air,

No one needs to talk.


Cow boss told us how it was,

And which way each should go,

Not one who would ever rush,

In fact to me seemed slow.


But how we did it mostly worked,

No need for lots of noise,

Trailing through the pastures there,

A bunch of horseback boys.


And hours later steers converge,

On pens of wood and stout,

And now it’s time for man and horse,

To know what it’s about.


Wheel and turn and stay alert,

Don’t let one get away,

But keep your wits and fill the gap,

And it will be okay.


And when the last were loaded,

And the cowboy day was spent,

I now look back and wonder,

Where the time all went.


When we waited for the first light,

In the early morning breeze,

And then moved the cattle quiet,

Good memories, all of these.

“Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” (Psalm 90:12, NIV)

All we really have is today. The yesterdays grow in our memories for better or for worse, and we make plans for the future, hoping for things we’d like to experience and accomplish. But yesterday’s gone and tomorrow isn’t promised. This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice in it. Today is God’s gift to us, and what we do with it is our gift back to Him. Life has always and ever been one day at a time. Make Jesus Lord of the day, and He will be Lord of your life.

Lord, teach us the value of today, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Bruce Greene, used by permission. Thanks, Bruce, and God bless you.

Brad McClain