The weather always changes, just get used to the change,
Rain and wind and sunshine, will always rearrange,
And life is like the weather, nothing stays the same,
Unexpected outcomes and control a losing game.
People can’t be trusted, have you found that out?
They can find their reasons, to change without a doubt,
Just because they promised, does not mean they will do,
Something made them change their minds, so they don’t come through.
Sometimes strong and healthy, sometimes sick and tired,
Moods can change so quickly, and with it what’s desired,
Emotions can be tricky, and once so up then down,
Those mature and stable, are very rarely found.
And if you have some money, careful how you spend,
Because if you aren’t careful, it goes fast like the wind,
And what you thought was certain, may not be what you get,
Things can change so quickly, and never a sure bet.
Is life so depressing that there can be no peace,
Not unless we find out, about God’s big release,
Bought through the death of Jesus, who rose up from the grave,
The only certain anchor, is trust in Him to save.
Yes, life’s only foundation, is Jesus Christ our Lord,
He said that if we follow, His peace He would reward,
To all who really trust Him, and cast on Him all care,
He is the same forever, and always will be there.
”Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” (Hebrews 13:8, NLT)
If we are learning anything from the corona virus it’s that everything can change very quickly. That’s why security is such a rare and precious commodity. We typically discover this the hard way, by counting on people and situations and possessions and arrangements to give us something they really can’t. The writer of Hebrews wanted his readers to understand that when everything and everyone else was insecure, they had something sure with Jesus. He is the great unchanging one. And did you ever wonder why he didn’t say that Jesus was the same yesterday, today and tomorrow? Instead he said yesterday, today, and forever. Certainly Jesus is the Lord of what has happened and what is happening now. Ultimately He is Lord of the future as well. But the writer emphasizes forever, I think because that would include every tomorrow and even into eternity. I saw Him work yesterday. I see Him at work today. I cannot see the future but I can utterly trust Him to work because He IS the future. He is the same. Count on it!
Lord, help us to anchor our lives in You, in Jesus’ name.