Sometimes at a gallop,
And sometimes in a lope,
And slowing down to just a walk,
I’m thankful for the hope,
That life has not lost meaning,
And purpose within reach,
It’s there because the Spirit,
Within our hearts will teach.
Sometimes the ride is sunny,
And everything’s all right,
But then can turn so tragic,
With clouds as black as night.
We can look all around us,
And wonder what to do,
When things all seem to fall apart,
With the trials we go through.
But hope is still the anchor,
And Jesus is our hope,
And we are bound forever,
With His love-braided rope.
So whether at a long trot,
Or spurred into a run,
Hope gives life direction,
And helps us get it done.
“This hope is a strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls…” (Hebrews 6:19, NLT)
In Mobile Bay, the U.S.S. Alabama battleship is anchored and is there to be toured by the public. When Hurricane Katrina struck the gulf coast, the winds were strong enough to actually cause the battleship to tilt slightly to one side. Not long after, that shift was corrected, and business continued as usual. When hope is the anchor for our souls, we might tilt a little one way or the other. But we will stay secure because our hope is strong and trustworthy. And that is because our hope is not just an idea or positive concept. Our hope is a person with a name, and His name is Jesus. When the winds blow, our anchor always holds.
Lord, secure us with Your hope, in Jesus’ name.
Photo by Jess Lee, used by permission. Thanks, Jess, and God bless you. (jessleephotos.com)