It rode a horse that stumbled,
And my awful heart was humbled,
By the sadness that came slowly riding in.
It brought me rain and thunder,
And tried to put me under,
What I regret that happened way back when.
He said you can’t escape me,
I’m always on your trail, see,
To always bring to mind the things you’ve lost.
Knowing that it’s all true,
I wondered what I could do,
To figure out how I could pay the cost,
Of all the debits created,
And all the pain related,
The feeling came I never would get free.
A reapin’ that old harvest,
Not one tree, but a forest,
The sadness said I’ll never leave you be.
Then I remembered Jesus,
You know He always sees us,
And I said, Lord, the sadness rode me down.
He said, I saw it coming,
And for you it’s been gunning,
It wants to rope and pull you to the ground.
But you’re no longer guilty,
I’ve taken all your shame, see,
I’ve untied all the ropes that had you bound.
I suffered to forgive you,
And because of that you are through,
I paid the debt, receive the grace you’ve found.
So when sadness pursues me,
In Jesus’ name I stay free,
The grace relieves the burden that I bear.
He said on Him to cast it,
And He’ll help us outlast it,
And that’s because we’re safe within His care.
“Give all your worries and cares to God, for He cares for you…” (1 Peter 5:7, NLT)
What are you worried about? Most, if not all, of us carry burdens we shouldn’t. They drain our energy, steal our peace, and cause us to focus on the negative. What should we do? In this scripture and others like it, it tells us to intentionally turn our bothers over to the Lord. His grace is the ultimate answer, and will silence the accuser’s voice. But we must learn to be proactive and not passive. If it’s big enough to worry about it’s too big to handle alone. Put it in God’s hands. Now…
Lord, help us cast every care on You, in Jesus’ name.
Photo by J.L. Grief, jlgrief.com. Used by permission. Thanks, J.L., and God bless you.