
Well, boys, I guess we got ‘em

That’s what the cow boss said,

As we trailed in the last six steers,

And found one that was dead.

We lifted rein and turned for home,

And glad to get it done,

A thirty minute long trot,

No more to rope and run.

And won’t admit how weary,

And tired and sore my bones,

But let’s just say I’m ready,

To cash those mattress loans.

Stepped down from the saddle,

Got the ponies set and fed,

And now for some supper,

Before we go to bed.

And thank God it was ready,

We didn’t have to wait,

A hearty meal of beef and beans,

With taters filled the plate.

I woke up in the stillness,

Of the middle of the night,

Looked out my old window,

And saw a glowing light.

Off there in the pasture,

Where no light was s’posed to be,

And pulling on my boots and coat,

I sneaked away to see.

And glowing in the pasture,

Was a little old campfire,

And sittin’ close beside it,

Was a cowboy not for hire.

He shifted when I walked up,

And then called me by name,

Said he was glad to meet me,

And then I said the same.

But he was hard to look at,

The light from that old fire,

Mixed in with all his features,

And I had some desire,

To leave and leave him to it,

But something made me stay,

And then he started speaking,

Words I heard him say.

And all about my history,

And the wrong things I had done,

Things nobody knew about,

‘Cause I had long since run.

But not with shame and judgment,

He spoke these things to me,

But rather with compassion,

Said Christ could set me free.

And right beside that campfire,

I knelt and said a prayer,

Gave it all to Jesus,

Then that cowboy wasn’t there.

I guess he was an angel,

That’s all that I can think,

He was there one moment,

Then gone in just a wink.

Then I saw in the distance,

A lightening of the sky,

And knew it’s close to sunrise,

Soon dark would say good-bye.

And that is just what happened,

And when the sun arose,

New mercies rose up with it,

And each day I suppose.

I walked on back for breakfast,

Cowboy coffee, it was hot,

Then Cookie asked the question,

That I now get a lot,

And that’s why are you different,

You don’t look the same,

And then I tell the story,

‘Bout the angel when he came.

Don’t doubt for a minute,

That this story’s true,

The campfire in the pasture,

Was a sign for me, now you.

“But God showed HIs great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners…” (Romans 5:8, NLT)

God loved us and Jesus died for us while we were still sinners. This is wonderful news! Why? Because the love is given before we ever respond. The price was paid, the blood was shed, and the offer sealed long before we even were born. But, no matter, it’s still true. And this means that the love in no way depends upon our performance or cleaning up our act. It’s based entirely upon the grace that seeks us out and meets us where we are in order to lead us to where we need to be. He will give us everything necessary to effect that change in us. It is something to be thankful for every day.

Lord, help us realize that You sought us and loved us long before we ever sought You, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Mark Maggiori, markmaggiori.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Mark, and God bless you.

Brad McClain