"Wind Riders"

The wind can make a difference,

‘Bout what you don’t and do,

Depends on how it’s blowing,

Matters, yes, it’s true.

In cowtown there’s a big parade,

That they have every year,

But just got word they called it off,

The wind too strong they fear.

Sometimes it gets to blowing,

You really should stay in,

‘Cause if you’re out there in it,

It goes right through you then.

I’ve had to go feed cattle,

When I thought I would freeze,

A-sleetin’ and so icy,

More layers, if you please.

And way down on the gulf coast,

Where I used to live,

Those hurricanes can make a mess,

Wind damage that they give.

Know folks in cowboy country,

Who have to make wind breaks,

Snow and wind so deadly,

For the cows do what it takes.

Sometimes it’s just a gentle breeze,

But I’ve see it go sideways,

Drive a fire before it,

No way to stop and stay.

But it can be refreshing,

On a hot day when it blows,

Seen cowboys thank God for it,

Relief on their face shows.

So isn’t it amazing,

When Jesus walked this earth,

He said the wind, the Spirit,

Would give us a new birth,

Something uncontrollable,

Invisible to man,

Powerful, life-changing,

Like wind, we know it can.

And, no, we cannot see it,

But see what it affects,

And those born of the Spirit,

He moves to do what’s next.

We are the Lord’s wind-riders,

We ride as we are blown,

The Wind of His own presence,

Helps us make Jesus known.

“So don't be surprised when I say, ‘You must be born again.’ The wind blows wherever it wants. Just as you can hear the wind but can’t tell where it comes from or where it is going, so you can’t explain how people are born of the Spirit.” (John 3:7-9, NLT)

Yet, we try to explain it, as best we can. Still, there is a great mystery here. It is the work of God alone, doing something that we cannot do for ourselves. It is the work of His Spirit, whom Jesus compares to the wind- mysterious and powerful. In fact, the word “pneuma” can be translated to spirit, breath or wind. We could accurately call the Holy Spirit the “Holy Wind” or the “Holy Breath.” In any case it is not terminology that matters most, but the work He wants to do in us. What is needed is an internal spiritual change, conversion, salvation, a new birth. We can’t manufacture it. We can only receive it. And who may receive? All those who believe Jesus died and was raised, and are willing to surrender their lives to His control. Then, be led and filled by the Spirit, which is something all children of God can learn to do. Be a wind-rider.

Lord, give us the new birth and lead us into a new, Spirit-filled life, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Don Weller, donweller.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Don, and God bless you.

Brad McClain