We try to do the best we can,
But sometimes not enough,
When they withhold approval,
Emotions can get rough.
‘Cause you feel the target moving,
Even as you shoot,
But you keep on trying,
Never getting to the root,
Of all that is transpiring,
As you this effort make,
Just to gain approval,
Your self-esteem at stake.
Who knows why they won’t give it,
Who knows why we can’t see,
That what we hope we’re getting,
Just can never be.
‘Cause when it comes down to it,
Feeling good about old you,
Not found by pleasing others,
But a big “God thing” it’s true.
We start with His approval,
Because He loves us so,
And then we feel conviction,
‘Bout how we make things go.
He loves without condition,
But calls our lives to change,
And with His love to anchor,
Our values rearrange.
So listen to some counsel,
If you keep on this way,
Trying to please others,
And give your power away,
You never will be happy,
Or free or even sane,
Always running crazy,
As you play the game.
Come back home to Jesus,
The One who knows you best,
His hand of blessing on you,
And He will give you rest.
You will hear Him whisper,
With you I am well-pleased,
And with your burden lifted,
From care He will release.
“Obviously, I’m not trying to win the approval of people, but of God…” (Gal. 1:10, NLT)
Paul makes pleasing people or being Christ’s servant an either-or proposition. You can’t have it both ways. But almost all of us, at one time or another, have been caught in the dilemma of making a choice about it. The tendency is to avoid it, procrastinate it, or even deny there is a choice to make. If we hate confrontation as so many of us do, it gets even more dicey. Why? Because sometimes those we are trying to please or appease are good people. They don’t have to be wrong about everything to be wrong about this. But if you don’t do what they want or expect, look out. They can be very controlling, vindictive and manipulative. It’s not just their disapproval we want to avoid, but the “punishment” that goes with it. Truth is, God wants to free us to celebrate His approval, based on grace not works, and the end result of spiritual productivity. This never happens because of threat, but always because we have received what we need from Him. Praise the Lord when that happens!
Lord, teach us to receive Your approval above all others, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Clark Kelley Price, clarkkelleyprice.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Clark, and God bless you.