"Are You Sure?"

Are you sure the Good Lord loves you,

Are you certain of His grace,

Do you know deep in your knower,

That in death you’ll see His face.


‘Cause the truth is He’ll assure you,

And sure wants you to know,

That every sin’s forgiven,

And your confidence will grow,


And, no, you cannot earn it,

Nor by your effort keep,

The witness of the Spirit,

Is very real and deep.


He alone convinces,

We by His comfort live,

And no doubt about it,

It’s something God will give.


You are His son or daughter,

The Spirit drives out fear,

And nothing ever separates,

Because He’s always near.


The presence of the Spirit,

Indwelling everyday,

Filling us to overflowing,

And He will always stay.


So heaven’s kids get heaven,

While they are on the way,

In spite of all life’s trials,

They will be okay.


So come be sure my brother,

And sister, don’t you doubt,

The Spirit gives security,

His love’s what it’s about.

“The one who believes in the Son of God has the testimony in himself…” (1 John 5:10, NAS)

The internal testimony is given to all who believe in Jesus. What does this mean? It means that the Holy Spirit living within us makes us sure that we have received eternal life. It’s the only way to be sure and the promise of God’s word guarantees it. The Spirit will assure us that our sins are forgiven and that we belong to God. He makes us certain that we have been adopted into God’s family and that we can trust Him completely. The presence of God within us is described as heaven’s down payment, and a foretaste of eternity.

Lord, make us sure, in Jesus’ name.

Photo shared by a friend.

Brad McClain