"Partner Up"

I talked to a guy the other day,

Who was a younger me,

I recognized myself in him,

It was not hard to see.


‘Cause he still thought that he could do,

His work there on his own,

Without the help of brothers,

A ranger all alone.


But even old Lone Ranger,

Had Tonto with him there,

And isolated ain’t the way,

I say it ‘cause I care,


About the guys without a friend,

Who they can count upon,

Fightin’ battles everyday,

And very few they’ve won.


And that’s because the Good Lord’s plan,

Is for us to be,

Partnered in relationships,

It’s how God keeps us free.


Those who will not judge us,

But neither will excuse,

They bring accountability,

And support that God can use.


They hedge us up and have our back,

Won’t let the devil through,

They keep us safe with boundaries,

With love speak what is true.


So if you’re like that younger me,

And think you’ll be all right,

Think again and partner up,

With someone in the light.


There you’ll find the grace to grow,

And even better still,

You’ll find there an assignment,

The center of God’s will.


Here’s a prayer that you can pray,

I know the Lord will hear,

Lord, gather me with godly men,

Just even two or three.


And with them you’ll agree in prayer,

And find God’s presence strong,

And wonder when the change is made,

What made you take so long.


So partner up and partner on,

You’ll find God’s blessing there,

No more battles all alone,

But strength of others share.

“Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor.” (Ecclesiastes 4:9, NAS)

Solomon recognized the value of teaming up with at least one other person to increase the odds of protection and success. Jesus sent His disciples out two by two, and said there was power when two or three gathered, agreed, and prayed together. The basic relational cell of the body of Christ is two or three, and Paul says we grow by that which “every connection supplies.” Don’t try to function or fight your battles alone. God’s way is partnership.

Lord, connect us together in spiritual partnership, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Tim Cox, used by permission.

Brad McClain