"At a Gallop"
There’s something ‘bout a runnin’ horse,
In pasture, mountain or race course,
That makes my deepest soul endorse,
The feeling that it gives,
That fire inside me lives.
And I can even cry a tear,
When the gallop brings the horses near,
And being with them, not a fear,
It’s always been that way,
Since my youngest day.
Some see them, but do not feel,
The thing that grips my heart so real,
I understand, it’s not their deal,
It’s not for everyone,
To love them on the run.
To each his own that’s quite okay,
But then I hear the Savior say,
A time is coming, final day,
When horses will appear,
And soon it will be clear,
The King will ride a steed so white,
And thousands ride in skies so bright,
The thunder of those hooves, God’s might,
Will show for all to see,
And all will bow the knee.
“Then I saw heaven opened, and a white horse was standing there. Its rider was name Faithful and True, for He judges fairly and wags a righteous war.” (Revelation 19:11, NLT)
Christian believers look forward to the day when Jesus returns as the righteous Judge of all humankind. Some fear this event while the vast majority of people ignore it. But, if the Bible is true, and we believe it is, the promise of Jesus’ return is real. And some believe, based upon the fulfillment of biblical prophecies, that Jesus' second coming is imminent. I do not pretend to know how soon, but we are taught by scripture that we should consider His coming a “blessed hope” and a source of great comfort and encouragement. We have the honor of recognizing Jesus as Lord now, before His ultimate recognition by all. According to John, Jesus will come back riding a white horse and the armies of heaven will return on white horses as well. What a day that will be!
Lord, make us ready for Your return, in Jesus’ name.
Art by. Tim Cox, timcox.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Tim, and God bless you.