
 There’s broke like when you’re penniless,

And broke like with your heart,

There’s all broke down so far from town,

When your old truck won’t start.


There’s broke like when you slip and fall,

And you can’t even stand,

That old hip bone, stay on the phone,

Till the doctor says you can.


There’s broke up with that old love,

It was not meant to be,

Separate ways and life’s okays,

With all that was, you see.


There’s broke like that old fishin’ line,

The big one got away,

And ropes that broke, like someone’s hope,

In what they wished would stay.


There’s broke like with a colt you start,

And hope for “old man broke,”

Sometimes that ride, I will confide,

Is not for city folk.


And all these brokes that come along,

To help us finally see,

The Lord above with all His love,

Brings change that only He,


Can do inside each one of us,

By breaking our old pride,

Self dies so we can really be,

Full out for Jesus’ side.


And He will do the breaking,

That’s needed in us all,

With every son, the battle’s won,

To this process He will call.


Loves us just the way we are,

And something we can’t earn,

Loves too much to then lose touch,

He works to help us learn,


That if we will cooperate,

The clay His hand will shape,

Don’t run away, but in place stay,

There is no good escape.


So break us, Lord, just like You say,

So that all we do,

Our lives will change, and rearrange,

What does not look like You.

“For the Lord disciplines those He loves…” (Hebrews 12:6, NLT)

The Bible tells us that because the Lord loves us, He will discipline us. His discipline, then, is actually a sign that we really belong to Him. Discipline means that He helps us change and become more like Jesus. And this process can be painful because our old selfishness dies hard. But we should be encouraged by the fact that He will use everything that happens for His glory and our good. He loves us just the way we are, but too much to leave us the way we are. Amen.

Lord, break our pride and change our lives, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Steve Boaldin, artofthecowboy.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Steve, and God bless you.

Brad McClain