"Bad Church"

Well, people often say it,

How often the church fails,

To do the things they ought to do,

And weigh it on the scales.

Deciding that the failures,

Outweigh all that’s good,

And if they have been wounded,

Make it clear they would,

Shut down all the churches,

Because of injuries,

Bad preachers, priests, and people,

Just jail them, if you please.

Or find some way to punish,

Those who have done wrong,

Especially if they hide it,

And cover up so long.

And, see, I get the picture,

And there are some whose crime,

Might require conviction,

And even do some time.

Of course there is a problem,

And that’s because it’s true,

Like any institution,

It’s folks and what they do,

Who pose the biggest problem,

But some a blessing, too,

In everyone’s endeavor,

Seems to be mostly true,

Bad teachers like bad doctors,

We should somehow get rid,

But still need education,

And health care like we did.

We’ve had bad politicians,

But we should all still vote,

And, yes, there are bad coaches,

But we love sports, so note,

That no matter what we’re doing,

Bad apples every time,

We just somehow survive them,

We overcome just fine.

The church it has some hypocrites,

But I had rather go,

To the church with some of them,

Than all to hell, and so,

Let me state it plainly,

I need the church, you see,

A hospital for sinners,

And it will always be,

With church good to remember,

When it comes to what Is real,

It’s knowing God through Jesus Christ,

The Spirit you can feel.

And though people will fail you,

The Lord, He never will,

Don’t let what people do or say,

Affect the truth that’s real.

“And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved…” (Acts 2:47, NIV)

Having church is about teaming up with those who are being saved. People who are being saved realize that it’s Jesus, not the church, that does the saving. But we need each other in order to grow spiritually, discover our gifts, and find our place alongside others in whom grace is working. Certainly we do not need the church as an institution so much as a spiritually organic body of believers who encourage and adjust each other for God’s glory. The Lord adds to the number…That means that the only way to actually become a member is if Jesus makes it so. He said He was building a church that hell could not stop. I believe it. Whatever our denomination or none at all, that’s all that really matters.

Lord, connect us to You and to Your church, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Jamie Means, jamiemeanswesternart.com.  Used by permission.  Thanks, Jamie, and God bless you.

Art by Jamie Means, jamiemeanswesternart.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Jamie, and God bless you.

Brad McClain