
Rising, rising from the dark,

We rise up toward the light,

Swimming now, we will embark,

Graced to do what’s right.

Long we stayed in bondage down,

Longer than we should,

Played the fool, the devil’s clown,

He thought we always would.

But rolling in the Spirit’s wave,

Crashed into all the weights,

Broke away the chains that gave,

Power to their hates.

And when the wave came crashing in,

We felt so clean and free,

It washed away all that had been,

A new life came to be.

And now the wave flows through us,

To help those still in ruin,

And that’s just how He grew us,

God’s Spirit is ensuing.

So if you’re down and drowning,

There’s hope enough to save,

The grace comes to you crowning,

Like others that He gave,

The gift of life forever,

And abundant on the way,

And He will leave you never,

The wave will come to stay.

To Him you have great value,

The Spirit’s wave rolls on,

You have a choice, so shall you,

Let that dark life be gone.

“…where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom…” (2 Cor. 3:17, NIV)

The Holy Spirit is that part of God that interacts from the spiritual, eternal dimension into the dimension of time and space in which we live. The Holy Spirit draws us to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, making us aware of our need and Christ’s provision. The Holy Spirit, God’s presence with us and in us as believers, is the only agent of true freedom in our lives. He alone can free us to be all that God created us to be. In fact it is the Holy Spirit that restores us to God’s image, and lives the life of Jesus through us. It is by the Holy Spirit that we are born again, and then fills our lives to overflowing. It is the Spirit that breaks addiction, heals hurt, and empowers us to live morally. The Holy Spirit brings daily grace to overcome every challenge, trial, and temptation, and is the ultimate answer for the deepest human need. Where the Spirit is, there is freedom.

Lord, free us by Your Spirit, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Tim Cox, timcox.com.  Used by permission.  Thanks, Tim, and God bless you.

Art by Tim Cox, timcox.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Tim, and God bless you.

Brad McClain