Before we had a cell phone,
Or a phone upon the wall,
Or any other tech device,
To use to make a call.
Before there was a movie,
Or a television screen,
Or any type of video,
That anyone had seen.
Before we drove In autos,
Or flew somewhere to be,
No means of transportation,
That could get us there, you see.
Before we had a single bit of tech,
And life was as it’s been,
For endless generations,
I’ll say this with a grin,
That a ragged bunch of people,
Who were not someone you’d pick,
To go and change the whole, wide world,
And go through thin and thick,
And yet filled with the Spirit,
That’s exactly what they did,
By simply sharing word of mouth,
To help the world get rid,
Of sin’s old epidemic,
With people lost and blind,
But going everywhere to tell,
And those far gone to find.
To tell them about Jesus,
Who died to set them free,
It all spread like a wild fire,
An amazing thing to see.
And still it’s God’s best program,
To help and change this world,
To simply share the Gospel,
Raise His banner high, unfurled.
Nothing beats you telling,
Just what He’s done for you,
We are His advertising,
And no doubt this is true.
Tech is good in God’s hands,
But the bottom line is this,
Telling what He’s done for you,
You cannot really miss.
We’ll change the world forever,
They’ll know us by our love,
And we will point them daily,
To God’s Kingdom up above.
“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations…” (Matthew 28:19, NAS)
Jesus assembled a small, ragtag group of followers who were without power, influence or wealth. Some of them had denied the Lord. None of them were any where near being qualified for such a daunting task as making disciples of the nations. Yet that’s exactly what Jesus called them to do, and with the power of the Holy Spirit, expected them to do it. What would be their method? Simply opening their mouths and verbally sharing what Jesus had done to save the world. He would anoint their testimony to change the world. And that’s exactly what happened. Technology even gives us greater opportunities, but nothing beats you sharing what Jesus did for you.
Lord, help us make disciples, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Robert “Shoofly” Shufelt, used by permission. Thanks, Robert, and God bless you.