"Cowboy Time Warp"

Like some old Charlie Russell print,

That’s hangin’ on the wall,

Or Remington’s horse wranglers,

I’ve always heard their call.


Caught in a cowboy time warp,

I blame it on TV,

From just a kid I watched ‘em,

Wanted nothing more to be,


And then looked out my window,

And saw ‘em working there,

A horseback movin’ cattle,

And pretty soon I’ll swear,


They sat me on a quarter horse,

That taught me how to ride,

And by the age of twelve years old,

I was handy I’ll confide,


With doctorin’ and brandin’,

Or gettin’ something caught,

Or loading cattle for the sale,

Or unloading what was bought.


Or maybe gone to fix a fence,

Set posts or stretch some wire,

Sweated ‘longside the cowboys,

Who day-worked there for hire.


Later on went off to school,

My life has taken turns,

But never had a memory,

When I forgot what in me yearns,


To trot out of a morning,

To gather what was left,

To find the ones that got away,

And not because of theft,


But wild enough to hide away,

And make you think they’re gone,

But push ‘em from the brush you see,

And then it won’t be long,


‘Fore we get ‘em roped ‘n tied off fast,

To some old worthy tree,

Later come and load ‘em up,

A cowboy chore to see.


And every time I saddle up,

I think of times before,

The riders from our history,

And horseback men of yore.


And now an older man myself,

But still I need to go,

The time warp still has hold of me,

And always will I know.


The circle wide, the circle long,

From Roy and Dale and Gene,

And all my saddle partners since,

And all that I have seen,


Makes me want to cowboy up,

Until my days are through,

And with the Good Lord’s blessings,

That’s what I plan to do.

“So teach us to number our days, that we may present to You a heart of wisdom.” (Psalm 90:12, NAS)

The days of our lives pass quickly. Some we cannot even remember, and others we wish we could forget. But the new day comes, the sun rises, and we have a new chance to live, for better or for worse. The cowboy way has a lot to offer, and it’s been an influence on many people. Ultimately however, it’s the awareness that the Lord is the author of all our days that matters the most. When we accept His grace and acknowledge His lordship, the odds go up that we maximize the day rather than waste it. And that’s wisdom.

Lord, help us gain a heart of wisdom, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Dino Cornay, used by permission. Thanks, Dino, and God bless you.

Brad McClain