"Bible Friends"

I once was friends with Moses,

To the burning bush he ran,

Felt I walked beside him,

When he crossed the Red Sea sand.


I talked with mighty Noah,

God’s preaching, building fool,

And helped him craft the gopherwood,

And handed him his tools.


I cried alone with Joseph,

Betrayed by brothers all,

And when he rose to power,

I felt God’s mighty call.


I watched when shepherd David,

The least of Jesse’s sons,

Took on the raging giant,

With one rock got it done.


I slept beside the lions,

In the den where Daniel lay,

And knew God shut their growling mouths,

Come breaking of the day.


Cast in the fire with Meshach,

Shadrach, Abednego,

And came out with no smell of smoke,

From our hair down to our toes.


Saw Jonah on the seashore,

When he came up for air,

Went with him to Ninevah,

The great revival there.


Climbed with father Abraham,

Moriah’s lonely hill,

Handed him the sharpened knife,

Son Isaac for to kill.


And saw the angel’s wingspan,

His golden sword and hands,

As he restrained the faithful,

To prove God’s mighty plans.


Saw Peter walk on stormy seas,

And Jesus feed the crowd,

Heard the voice of blind and lame,

Praise Him right out loud.


With Paul in troubled waters,

And stoned and left to die,

Got up and kept on preaching,

Persecutors to deny.


Say, how could you know them,

They lived so long ago,

It’s because the Bible,

Someone took time to sow,


Those old stories in my consciousness,

They are a part of me,

But the one that’s most important,

Is Jesus, don’t you see.


And not just Bible pages,

He says He won’t depart,

Dying and then raised again,

He lives within my heart.


I’m glad to know the others,

Who ran the race before,

But knowing Christ as Savior,

Is God’s eternal door.


He is our salvation,

And by His stripes we’re healed,

His promise our assurance,

And by His Spirit sealed.

“All these people earned a good reputation because of their faith yet none of them received all that God had promised…” (Hebrews 11:40, NLT)

The people this verse talks about are Old Testament saints. We could add to them all those in the New Testament, as well as all others who served the Lord through the history of the church. They served the Lord and pleased God with their faith. And though their earthly journey is complete, it is not completely over until every ensuing generation runs their race of faith. The generational witness produces fruit until the end of history, and only then can be fully rewarded. We are surrounded by these witnesses, according to the writer of Hebrews, and they cheer us on from the heavenly grandstands. Since it’s our turn to run with the baton of faith, we must stay focused on the One who matters most, Jesus Christ Himself. In fact these verses tell us to constantly keep our eyes on Jesus. What great counsel! Benefit from all who’ve gone before, but never doubt for a moment that the race from start to finish and for all eternity is about Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. Keep on.

Lord, help us benefit from every witness, and keep our eyes focused on You, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Steve Boaldin, used by permission.  Thanks, Steve, and God bless you.

Art by Steve Boaldin, used by permission. Thanks, Steve, and God bless you.

Brad McClain