"Loose Latigo"

Son, let me give a little tip,

It’s what the cowboy said,

Get ahold that latigo,

I was willing to be led.


‘Cause I found if I would listen,

I’d have a better time,

And I still had so much to learn,

From these good friends of mine.


He said when you’re gettin’ ready,

Make sure that girth is tight,

‘Cause you won’t ride too safely,

Unless you do it right.


After giving it a pull,

Might step your horse around,

And then just do it once again,

‘Cause all of us have found,


That when you gather cattle,

Or your ropin’ one for sure,

That latigo that’s tightened,

Wil make your cinch secure.


And if you are not worried,

‘Bout some loose latigo,

Then you can stay real focused,

On the livestock, don’t you know.


And there I find a lesson,

For following the light,

Binding and a-loosin’,

And making sure you’re right.


Jesus called to Lazarus,

After he was dead,

In the grave for four long days,

And not asleep in bed.


But bound to Jesus’ words to him,

That’s just what brought him out,

And then loosed from the grave clothes,

He gave a joyful shout.


Jesus spoke of binding,

Called it a Kingdom key,

Bound to God’s highest and His best,

And all He wills to be.


He also spoke of loosing,

And that’s when we are freed,

From all the bad that holds us,

He gives us what we need,


To walk in perfect freedom,

But slaves to righteousness,

Walk in sure surrender,

And the Holy Spirit’s rest.


So let me give a little tip,

For life’s long horseback ride,

Get ahold God’s latigo,

Make sure it’s tight and tied.

“You have been set free from sin and have become slaves of righteousness…” (Roman 6:18, NIV)

Being bound or tied to God’s highest and best and to be loosed or untied from evil is God’s plan for all of us. Ironically, the only certain path to personal freedom from sin is to be wholeheartedly surrendered to God’s will for our lives. As long as we are arguing with God we will be bound to the things that destroy us. But if we bind ourselves in surrender to the Lord, He will loose us from every hurt, addiction, selfish habit or hang-up we have. He knows us better than we know ourselves and knows precisely what it will take to bring us into freedom. And the freedom is given to simply become all He created us to be. It is in this freedom we discover our true spiritual identities and are loosed from the lies that have stolen it from us. Bound to the best, loosed from evil, in Jesus’ name.

Lord, set us free to become slaves of righteousness, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Mark Maggiori, markmaggiori.com.  Used by permission.   Thanks, Mark, and God bless you.

Art by Mark Maggiori, markmaggiori.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Mark, and God bless you.

Brad McClain