"Big Ten"

God gave big ten, away back when,

The boundaries were clear,

But now a joke, by culture woke,

And God is mocked, no fear.


What to do, when they tell you,

There are no absolutes,

But what you feel, is all that’s real,

Discard your moral roots.


The Good Book tells, of those who fell,

He turned them loose to sin,

Their conscience seared, their thinking weird,

Forgetting where they’ve been.


It’s called deceived, when you’ve believed,

A lie instead of true,

You think you know, but wrong although,

You’ll reap the seeds you do.


The last days, see, will darker be,

The love will then grow cold,

Folks will betray, and hearts will sway,

As evil gets more bold.


Jesus our King knows everything,

And when the time is right,

He’ll come again, and evil end,

Our faith will become sight.

“Therefore, God elevated Him to the place of highest honor and gave Him the name above all other names, that at the name of Jesus eery knee should bow, in heaven and one earth and under the eart, and every tongue declare that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” (Philippians 2:9-11, NLT)

Despite the mockery of biblical morality, the day will come when every knee will bow and every tongue confess Jesus Christ is Lord. How close are we to this event? No one knows, but the fulfillment of the last great sign is imminent. This is the promise of Jesus who said when all the people groups of the world heard the gospel of the Kingdom, the end would come. We are very close to this happening. When it does and the timing is right, Jesus will return and everyone will acknowledge His lordship. We who know the Lord and have received His salvation get to do that already!

Lord, help us realize that You are ultimately in control and the Lord of history, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Bill Owen, cowhorsegallery.com. Used by permission. Thanks, and God bless you.

Brad McClain