I watched ‘em when they did it,
Just ear a young horse down,
Saddle and step on him,
Buck till they hit the ground.
But spur and fan and quirt him,
Until they wore him out,
And thought each time they did it,
What bronc bustin’ was about.
I don’t fault ‘em really,
They did the best they could,
And I would never judge ‘em,
Though I know some who would.
And I have seen spoiled horses,
Babied, trained to be,
A bully with no manners,
And a problem, don’t you see.
So somewhere ‘tween the spoilin’,
And the bustin’ way back when,
Is how I want to do it,
And learn to build a friend.
Who will respond to pressure,
Based upon the trust,
That I have instilled in him,
And no abuse a must.
Just slowly and with patience,
Show him what you ask,
And whatever you are doing,
Try not to go too fast.
And then you’ll have the pleasure,
Of seeing that horse change,
And learn just how to do a job,
Up close or on the range.
And not unlike the lessons,
The Good Lord puts us through,
When He is tryin’ to teach us,
The things we ought to do.
And best of all He’s patient,
And aren’t we glad for that,
He leads us into purpose,
And that’s where life is at.
“No discipline is enjoyable while it is happening- it’s painful! But afterward there is a peaceful harvest…” (Heb. 12:11, NLT)
The Lord disciplines all those He loves. There are no exceptions. If He loves us, and He does, He has promised to help us change, even when that change is uncomfortable. But it shows that we belong to Him and that He is working in our lives. If He didn’t love us He’d just let us go or indulge our selfishness. But He won’t ever do that because He wants the best for us. And His best is waiting on the other side of personal change from selfishness to Christ-centeredness. The thing that wears us out the most is not His discipline but our resistance to it. He will use anything- hardship, disappointment, failure, tragedy- you name it, to discipline His kids, and it is never because He takes sordid pleasure in our suffering. Never! He loves us so much nothing that happens to us is ever wasted. It is all used for His redemptive purposes. Don’t fight it. Yield, change, and grow. It’s worth it!
Lord, thanks for Your patience. Help us to grow through Your discipline in our lives, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Tyler Crow, tylercrow.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Tyler, and God bless you.