
Do you know the reason,

Why some don’t really scare,

When their ponies buck ‘em off,

Remount without a care.

Have you seen a roper,

Miss and miss again,

But keep on tossing lariats,

With losses more than wins.

I’ve known some fast bull-fighters,

Get flattened, tossed and gored,

But kept on saving riders,

After the time was scored.

What makes ‘em keep on going ,

When others tire and quit,

Are they just special people,

And born with extra grit?

I say no, not really,

The difference you could say,

Is what is on the inside,

Their passion everyday.

They have a fire within them,

They love the job they do,

Their vision is what drives them,

And helps them press on through.

The problems and the pitfalls,

The trouble and the loss,

The things they have to sacrifice,

The burdens they must toss.

They do it and they overcome,

They run when others won’t,

And in the end they celebrate,

In ways their rivals don’t.

So next time you see a struggler,

That’s giving their best try,

Don’t miss the chance to cheer them,

And don’t just walk on by.

You may be seeing greatness,

On the way to being great,

And you can share it with them,

If you do not berate.

“Where there is no vision, the people perish…” (Prov. 29:18, KJV).

Having no vision kills people. What does this mean? It means if we don’t have some idea of God’s plan for our future, we end up with more of a death style than a lifestyle. The verse may be translated, where there is no revelation from God the people cast off restraint. This emphasizes that when we are not receiving from God His revelation of what our lives should be, we tend to disregard God-given boundaries. Discipline is rejected and delayed gratification is disregarded in favor of satisfying selfishness. Vision inspires us and adjusts us and pours energy into the mundane so that we can achieve the magnificent. It works that way with just about every endeavor of life, including and especially our spiritual journey. Paul wrote that we have received the Spirit so we can know the things God freely wants to give us. The Holy Spirit is the author of personal vision, and we live in His inspiration until what God promises is accomplished. It’s the best way to live!

Lord, give us vision. Lord, let Your vision inspire and adjust us, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Mark Maggiori, markmaggiori.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Mark, and God bless you.

Art by Mark Maggiori, markmaggiori.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Mark, and God bless you.

Brad McClain