
He’s just a little cold-backed,

You might call him fresh,

It’s not when I step on him,

He flexes his horse-flesh.

But in my little round pen,

A-lunging him around,

He’ll do a little buckin’,

And come up off the ground.

It only lasts a minute,

Not for very long,

But every time he does it,

He sings the same old song.

I’m just a little broncy,

And I want you to know,

I’ve still got it in me,

To do this ‘fore we go.

And then we’re off to day work,

And broke as broke can be,

Rope and gather cattle,

Behaves just fine you see.

Maybe one day he’ll finish,

With his little buckin’ game,

That’s what old hands have told me,

When I mention him by name.

But others say well maybe,

And again maybe not,

It might just be his nature,

Though he never bucks a lot.

Sometimes if I am honest,

My pony’s little fit,

Reminds me of the way I act,

When it comes down to it.

I can be a little broncy,

Even though I am well-trained,

But settle down and get to work,

Once I have been constrained.

One thing I know for certain,

When I get that way,

The Good Lord sure is patient,

And shows it everyday.

I really want to please Him,

So when I throw my fit,

He brings me right on through it,

And guides me with His bit.

Yes, I can still get broncy,

But true to Him I’ll stay,

And learn to trust my Maker,

And follow in HIs way.

“For the Lord disciplines those He loves…” (Hebrews 12:6, NLT).

Brad McClain