When we thought it all was over,
At the home town rodeo,
And we loaded up our horses,
And it was time to go.
A cowboy rode up to us,
On a tired horse, no doubt,
To let us know a pen of bulls,
Had somehow gotten out.
They had crossed the tracks and headed,
Out toward the interstate,
And he had tried to turn ‘em,
Before it was too late.
But they just scattered past him,
And he’d come back for help,
Before we all had cell phones,
Couldn’t do it by himself.
He worked for that contractor,
He was really in a sling,
If he couldn’t get the bulls back,
Well, he’d lose everything.
So we headed where he saw ‘em last,
And there we cut their sign,
The problem would we catch ‘em,
‘Fore they ran out of time.
‘Cause out there on the interstate,
The trucks they don’t slow down,
And these bovine could cause a wreck,
With them this close to town.
And then we saw where they had veered,
Into a pasture with some cows,
At first we thought just round ‘em up,
But two broke free somehow.
Two cowboys drove the main bunch,
My brother, then, and I,
Went after those two mavericks,
We let our long ropes fly.
My brother caught one neatly,
And when he turned to fight,
I snagged a leg, we laid him down,
The deal turned out all right.
We left him tied and off we went,
To catch the final one,
A big, old Brangus fool he was,
And very far from done.
We chased him through a thicket,
And when it opened up,
I sailed a loop and missed him,
That bull knew how to duck.
Rebuilt my loop and then again,
I pitched my coil and caught,
Dallied off and checked him,
My horse did what he ought.
And brother came a-spurrin’ up,
And heeled him with one throw,
I’m guessin’ then our horses spent,
But I don’t really know.
In spite of how we had him caught,
He turned to fight and did,
The place was tight, without much room,
So maybe that was it.
So fight, old bull, and try to run,
But you won’t get away,
Horses dodgin’, dallies tight,
I won’t forget that day.
And in the end we got him,
Along with all the rest,
But I’d be less than honest,
If I claimed there was no test.
No matter your experience,
Or what you think you know,
Things surely can get sideways,
When it’s time to go.
Tests and trials and challenges,
Surprises, throws you miss,
But don’t give up pursuing,
And let me tell you this,
What we learn in the trials,
And even when we fail,
Equips us to do better,
On every winding trail.
That pen of bulls remember,
Though they posed a threat,
God helped us go and get ‘em,
We relive those memories yet.
“…when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow…” (James 1:2-3, NLT)
Troubles are not enjoyable, but the Bible tells us to have joy anyway. To consider it joy, or count it all joy, is an intentional decision on our part. It helps us value our trials as something that God will use. The promise is that by going through trials our endurance will grow. When fully developed, we will be perfect and complete, lacking nothing. This doesn’t mean life will be perfect or that we will no longer make mistakes. It simply means that we will enjoy a spiritual life that transcends our day to day challenges. We will be ready for any trial, but be able to celebrate the journey. Sounds good, doesn’t it? And that’s God’s promise to you and me! Believe it.
Lord, use our trouble to build our endurance and trust in You, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Don Weller, donweller.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Don, and God bless you.