There’s somethin’ ‘bout the children,
Their innocence and smile,
We need to spend some time with them,
At least once in a while.
‘Cause when you’re with the children,
Before life’s grief and pain,
It gives you hope that somehow,
It can be that way again.
And careful with the children,
Their life is yet to come,
And Jesus gave a warning,
His words are clearly from,
The heart of God the Father,
Who says don’t cause them harm,
Better off to kill yourself,
A very real alarm.
‘Cause all the little children,
Are precious in His sight,
Including all the unborn,
And they are his delight.
O Lord, please bless the children,
We pray in Jesus’ name,
Bless them and protect them,
And for us please do the same.
“Anyone who welcomes a little child like this on My behalf welcomes Me, and anyone who welcomes Me welcomes not only Me but also My Father who sent Me…” (Luke 9:37, NLT)
Children held a special place in Jesus heart and ministry. Often He blessed them and used them to illustrate something He was trying to teach. He said that we needed the humility of a child to enter God’s Kingdom. He warned that one would be better off killing themselves than hurting a child. And He said that welcoming a child on His behalf welcomed the heavenly Father. Children are special gifts from God, and are used by God to teach us things we may not otherwise learn. Love them.
Lord, help us give children the love You have given us, in Jesus’ name.
Art by JaNeil Anderson, used by permission. Thanks, JaNeil, and God bless you.