"Kids with Ink"
I have children with tattoos,
Though I never got a one,
For pirates, bikers, gypsies,
But my daughters and my sons,
Decided that they’d get ‘em,
And I had no control,
Over that decision,
When they got on a roll,
I saw they were adult enough,
To decide this without me,
Though I was reluctant,
They helped me to see,
That getting ink does not mean,
The same as once it did,
And in spite of reservations,
I have great faith in my kids.
To do whatever’s right for them,
And adventurous and free,
And most of all I say a prayer,
That they will always be,
People who will live for God,
And love with all their hearts,
And I am glad that’s what they do,
Though all play different parts,
In life’s unfolding business,
The strength that’s always there,
Is all about what is inside,
And just how much we care,
About the things that matter,
And from the inside-out,
We live for God’s great purpose,
What life is all about.
And y’all know that I’m a cowboy,
And in many ways old school,
And I don’t really have a clue,
What is and isn’t cool.
But I will tell you something,
About these kids of mine,
The ink they wear is their own choice,
And they will be just fine.
“Create in me a clean heart, O God…” (Psalm 51:10, NLT)
God looks at the heart, and it is God’s work to cleanse us from the inside out. No matter the outward appearance, it’s our character that counts the most. And it is the work of the Holy Spirit to produce the character of Jesus in us. When we are Spirit-filled, His life and light shines through us. We are also empowered to see others the way God sees them, and that makes all the difference in how we relate to them. Our lives are characterized by God’s love, and that’s what counts the most.
Lord, live Your life through us, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Shawn Cameron, used by permission. Thanks, Shawn, and God bless you.