"Come and Go"
People come and go it seems,
In seasons of your life,
Some will stay while others go,
Don’t let it cause you strife.
Because in the long view of things,
God is in control,
He knows the purpose of each one,
As your life unfolds.
Some are blessings, some not much,
But God uses every one,
To teach us things we can’t unlearn,
As this race we run.
Remember in the Good Book,
Come and go is there,
Jesus said to come to Him,
And then we go and share.
Come to get forgiveness,
Healing, grace and all,
Then go and spread to others,
It’s clear the Gospel call.
Jesus came into this world,
The babe from heaven sent,
All the way to Calvary’s cross,
And back to heaven went.
We come, we’re born into this world,
And if we’re born again,
When we go, it’s heaven’s shore,
Because we’re cleansed from sin.
So do not grieve the come and go,
It’s there on every page,
The flow of what the Lord intends,
On earth and heaven’s stage.
“Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28, NAS)
First, we come to Jesus. Sometimes this is confused with coming to church. But with or without church, coming to Jesus is the most important thing we can ever do. We come to Jesus to receive salvation, and from that point on, we come to Him for every need and challenge of life. He promises relief and rest, which is the help we do well to receive. We then are empowered to help others come, which is the “go” of the process. Go into all the world and make disciples, Jesus said. But we cannot go unless we first come to Him. Church is authentically “church” when coming and going is what we do.
Lord, help us come to You, then go into all the world, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Tim Cox, used by permission. Thanks, Tim, and God bless you.