When the day goes long,
And sad the song,
Of those we pray to win.
So long they stray,
And slip away,
Their will refuse to bend.
Do the prayers we pray,
And the words we say,
Really count at all.
When they refuse,
Their old ways choose,
Won’t listen to God’s call.
We must keep on,
Though grace is strong,
We do not always see,
The answered prayers,
But God is there,
He works His will to be.
We hate delay,
And fight to say,
The timing is not yet.
But all see,
One day will be,
The glory God will get.
“I would have despaired unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.” (Psalm 27:13, NAS)
Sometimes we are tempted to be discouraged when the goodness of the Lord is not as apparent. We go through seasons like that, when the Lord’s presence does not seem or feel as close. During those times we need to remember to press in and take courage. God is at work, He is not through, and He will give us strength. It all starts and stops with reliance on the power of God to do in and through us what is otherwise impossible. We will see it if we wait on the Lord and put our trust in Him,.
Lord, help us to stay focused and put our trust in You, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Don Weller, used by permission. Thanks, Don, and God bless you.