"Cow Joy"
I’ve met no woman like her,
For many reasons so it seems,
And I am proud to tell you,
She’s the woman of my dreams.
We live out here together,
On a place outside of town,
Not too far from the Brazos,
Where you can hear the sound,
Of coyotes and the hoot owls,
And hawks flying way up high,
The geese as they vee northward,
And wild turkeys sneaking by.
And we keep cows and horses,
All that we can afford,
But if you care for livestock,
Your life is never bored.
And let me just describe her,
She wouldn’t claim to be cowboy,
But when it comes to bovine,
They give her special joy.
Yes, that’s what I’m saying,
This woman loves a cow,
She says she’s always felt it,
Since a little girl somehow.
She’s partial to a longhorn,
Loves when a calf is born,
And watchin’ em grow bigger,
Loves color, hide and horn.
She also loves black baldies,
She’d like to have a pasture full,
A herd of angus heifers,
And good old Hereford bull.
She goes online to study,
Subscribes to cattle magazines,
She’s all about the feeding,
And the latest cow vaccines.
She’ll doctor and she’ll feed ‘em,
She never wants to sell,
And if you suggest it,
She’ll say you go to, well,
Let’s say she hears about a deal,
Let’s to the auction go,
She’s excited, that’s for real,
‘Cause you never know,
They might have one worth buyin’,
She’d love to make a bid,
And when I said well maybe,
That’s just what she did.
But I am not complaining,
A thankful man, you see,
She’s my Texas beauty,
That God sent just for me.
And, yes, she loves the horses,
Wants to see the rodeo,
But really she had rather,
Take in the fat stock show.
We laugh and live together,
She calls me her cowboy,
But there’s no doubt about it,
She’s filled with pure cow joy.
“For every beast of the field is Mine, the cattle on a thousand hills.” (Psalm 50:10, NAS)
God owns it all, even the cows! Our kinship with the land and the creatures He has made make us more aware of His presence with us. All that God has created reflects the wonder of who He is, and points to the ultimate gift of His grace through Jesus Christ. We are deeply thankful for the great joy we experience because of His blessings!
Lord, fill us with Your joy, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Don Weller, used by permission. Thanks, Don, and God bless you.