"Cowboy Code"
The cowboy code’s not written down,
But all the cowfolk know,
The habits showed outside of town,
A never-ending flow,
Of manners lived out day to day,
Truth telling is the norm,
Folks use care with what they say,
And the friendliness is warm.
When folks need help the people come,
To lend a helping hand,
Doesn’t matter where you’re from,
They’ll do the best they can.
Expect to work and earn their way,
Their promises they keep,
Their debts they always will repay,
Clear conscience when they sleep.
They have their share of failure,
None perfect they’ll admit,
But don’t excuse misbehavior,
And accept results they get.
Men are men and have no doubt,
What bathroom they should use,
The female gender carries clout,
And are even less confused.
Stand when elders enter,
Take your hat off when you speak,
Look a person in the eye,
Shake firmly, never weak.
Take care of your horses,
Make sure the cows are fed,
And before you eat your meal,
Give thanks and bow your head.
Honor God and country,
Put some cash into the plate,
Fight arrogance, walk humbly,
If you ain’t early then you’re late.
Remember everywhere you go,
Some just don’t think this like this,
With compassion we should let them know,
With us it’s how it is.
“…who also made us adequate as servants of a new covenant, not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.” (2 Corinthians 3:6, NAS)
Rules are important- whether the cowboy code or the Ten Commandments. They point to boundaries for living that help to keep us healthy and happy. Problem is, we end up breaking the rules no matter how hard we try. That’s why Paul said that the “letter” or commandments of the Old Covenant brought death. Why? Because it showed us we were wrong without giving us a way to be made right. But that’s exactly what the new covenant does through Jesus Christ and the work of the Spirit. Nothing will replace the saving work of Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit. When we’ve experienced this new life, we can then use the boundaries as guides to walk in the Spirit.
Lord, help us embrace the Spirit who gives life, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Steve Boaldin, used by permission. Thanks, Steve, and God bless you.