"Cowboy Hero"
They all had fancy saddles,
With silver on the side,
Pants tucked into high heeled boots,
And, man, how they could ride.
Topper, Champ and Trigger,
And galloped where they went,
Always after outlaws,
To boot hill or jail they sent.
They fought with fists and pistols,
Had manners and polite,
Courteous to ladies,
And bound to do what’s right.
I watched ‘em and I loved ‘em,
And I dreamed some day to be,
A cowboy riding like ‘em,
It was my dream, you see.
And all these years I’ve known it,
That cowboy make-believe,
But something deep inside me,
Stayed and would not leave.
That it wasn’t just a kid’s tale,
But stood for something more,
When evil and injustice,
Were finally done for.
My horseback Lord will bring it,
Till then we’ll cowboy up,
Like my old cowboy heroes,
Since I was just a pup.
And He’ll return from glory,
On a horse that’s big and white,
To drive out all the darkness,
With the Kingdom of His light.
“And I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse, and He who sat on it is called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and wages war.” (Revelation 19:11, NAS)
Sometimes it’s good to visit the end of the story and remind ourselves what is going to happen. Jesus is Lord of time and eternity. and this passage, like so many others, describes His second coming. It is a glorious picture. Jesus, with eyes aflame, comes riding a white horse and brings with Him the armies of heaven who are following Him on white horses. Righteousness will be established, every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that He is Lord, and every tear will be wiped away. He’s coming. Don’t forget it.
Lord, help us remember that You are coming, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Mark Maggiori, used by permission. Thanks, Mark, and God bless you.