"Cowboy Life"
A cowboy life is what they want,
On TV saw a show,
Went out and bought a hat and boots,
A pearl-snap shirt you know.
They have the look they paid for,
Can’t fault a man for that,
And they’re simply trin’,
To find where cowboy’s at.
And though I grew up thataway,
A horseback moving cows,
I’m not one to criticize,
Their whys and whens and hows.
‘Cause they say imitation,
Is the highest compliment,
And it’s not my business,
To dog the dime they spent.
And even if you’re cowboy,
And always been that way,
There’s always someone better,
On any given day.
So why not just be humble,
‘Bout the culture’s cowboy swing,
Mind carefully your business,
And remember this one thing,
The Good Lord wants to use you,
To point some folks to Him,
But if you’re too judgmental,
The chances are real slim,
That you’ll make any difference,
When you could if you’d let go,
Of all that pride you’re totin’,
Instead His grace to show.
“And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.” (Colossians 3:17, NIV)
Whatever means whatever. This would include people who have a cowboy/western lifestyle mentality. Sometimes being a “real cowboy” gets to be the thing people emphasize, and show disdain for “wanna-bes.” Truth is, God plays no favorites and loves us all with boundless grace. We as His children are called to make our lives an advertisement for this love, and not let anything get in the way. This would include any cowboy pride or arrogance to which we concede. God wants to use every redeemed child to redeem others. We do well to remember.
Lord, teach us to do everything for Your glory and not ours, in Jesus’ name.
Photo by Mary Peters, used by permission. Thanks, Mary, and God bless you.