"Cowboy Stew"

A cowboy stew is brewing,

But not something to eat,

A way to live, so help me give,

The things that can’t be beat.

Reckon what you think we’d need,

To make this cowboy stew,

Surprise me now, and show me how,

It will be fun to do.

We’d have to cut up lariat rope,

And throw in latigo,

Some rawhide then, and felt hat brim,

And wrangler jeans you know.

The fringe from those old leggins,

Could give some extra spice,

A pearl snap shirt, washed clean of dirt,

Might work out really nice.

You’d need to soak a wild rag,

In salsa really hot,

Then toss it in, and step back then,

See what else for your pot.

Don’t forget some swagger,

Like hot peppers you throw in,

Some brandin’ smoke, just go for broke,

To find the perfect blend.

And you’ll need to measure courage,

‘Cause cowboys don’t show fear,

They cowboy up and don’t get stuck,

With all that’s safe and near.

The stew must have the laughter,

That’s shared around the fire,

‘Bout horses rode and cowboys throwed,

And far from town desire.

Make sure to include freedom,

Love for the USA,

The pledge we make, for freedom’s sake,

Old Glory flies this way.

And finally there’s faith in God,

And love for family,

A stew this strong, to God belongs,

And always it will be.

The cowboy stew for me and you,

Is just another way,

To celebrate what makes life great,

And cowboy up today.

“Make it your goal to live a quiet life, minding your own business and working with your hands…” (1 Thessalonians 4:11, NLT)

We’re talking about the cowboy way of life in this poem, but this verse praises a quiet, hard-working life no matter what profession you have. Simple, yet profound. Work is actually a gift from God, designed both to bolster a healthy self-image and sense of accomplishment, as well as provide needed resources. By applying ourselves we actually find a sense of self-worth we find no other way. And God will bless us if we find a way to faithfully apply ourselves to God’s highest and best. It’s. by far the best way to live.

Lord, help us find the place of productive life in tune with Your Spirit, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Don Dane, dondane.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Don, and God bless you.

Brad McClain