Every now and sometimes then,
A cowboy comes along,
And you stand up in your stirrups,
And know you can’t be wrong.
Because the one you’re seeing,
Has that cowpunchy thing,
Don’t know what to call it,
But it’s got a special ring.
He might be a roper,
Or a horseman cut above,
Someone who can travel,
Just like in Lonesome Dove.
But this hand has the magic,
And when you ask him why,
He can’t really tell you,
Except for extra try.
Not just the skill he shows you,
But the way he gets it done,
The grace of grip and movement,
And the cheerfulness and fun.
But all my cowboy heroes,
Show something else it seems,
Without any exception,
They chase a God-sized dream.
They receive it from the Savior,
They believe it comes from Him,
And all the things they overcome,
Can never really dim,
The thing they deem important,
Like God and family,
The freedoms of the nation,
And the cowboy way to be.
Every now and sometimes then,
A cowboy comes along,
Stand up in your stirrups,
And listen for his song.
“Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed…” (Ecclesiastes 4:9, NLT)
We need heroes and we need each other. Lone rangers may sound heroic, but God has not called us to a solitary life. He connects us to those who will help us fight and overcome. Mentors, coaches, partners, friends- call them what you will, we need help. And the worst situation to be in is to be isolated and vulnerable. That’s when I’ve made the worst mistakes. Thank God for both support and accountability. For those who will not judge you but neither will they make excuses when you’re wrong. We need heroes and we need each other.
Lord, connect us to those who will inspire and strengthen us, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Ann Hanson, annhanson.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Ann, and God bless you.