When people crowd together,
I am tempted to step back,
‘Cause when it gets real crowded,
It’s patience that I lack.
I’m fightin’ old and grumpy,
Kind and sweet I’m shootin’ for,
But when they press and crowd me,
Get to lookin’ for the door.
I really can’t explain it,
Been to lots of football games,
The fat stock show and rodeos,
Trucks and cars fill all the lanes.
But lately I’ve been feelin’,
I do better far from town,
I love the peace and quiet,
When no one is around.
The Good Book says be still and know,
God speaks with still, small voice,
And I can’t get too much of that,
And quite a lot less noise.
So, Lord, give me Your patience,
When I’m in the crowding pen,
Get me safely through it,
Back to the country once again.
“Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations…” (Psalm 46:10, NIV)
If I can never slow down and quieten down it’s unlikely I will ever be aware of the presence or voice of the Lord. The world is a noisy place and full of distractions. Human busy-ness is the dominant factor of most of our lives. Intentionality is needed if we are to be still and know. The good news is that God wants to be known by us and is most certainly calling our names and speaking His truth. The Holy Spirit is omnipresent, but the scriptures tell us God draws near to those who draw near to Him. At the very least this must mean that He is ready when we are.
Lord, help us be still and know that You are God, in Jesus’ name.
Art b Ann Hanson, used by permission. Thanks, Ann, and God bless you.