
He rode the bull eight seconds,

But then he hit the ground,

And that was when he lost his life,

When that bull came around.

They tried to help a yearling,

That had fallen in a pond,

But drowned instead in trying,

There was no magic wand.

He was driving that old tractor,

Bush hogging’ down the weeds,

Reacted to the wasp stings,

He died and mom’s heart bleeds.

He bucked off on a fence post,

From a bronc so fierce and mean,

Never saw it coming,

For him death was unseen.

He was hauling those old cattle,

When a drunk man crossed the line,

A bad head-on collision,

He left this life behind.

She lay in Covid’s clutches,

And then her heart distressed,

Did all they could to save her,

But none could stop her death.

And so it is with people,

They live and then they die,

And with God’s help the rest of us,

Learn to say good-bye.

But know that death is coming,

For each and every one,

God’s timing is appointed,

Through Jesus Christ the Son.

And if we know the Savior,

We’re safe as we can be,

Death is just a doorway,

To God’s eternity.

No more tears or crying,

No more pain or grief,

Just joy with Him forever,

And heaven’s sweet relief.

Where broken hearts are mended,

God’s light and glory there,

All earthly claims rescinded,

With all God’s people share.

No matter how it happens,

Or when it’s time to go,

We leave it up to Jesus,

He loves us, this we know.

“He will wipe every tear from their eyes…” (Revelation 21:4, NIV)

We believe in a happy eternity! We believe we will experience the relief of God’s heavenly healing. We believe this life is not about this life, but is ultimately about the life to come. We believe the Bible promises full assurance to those who put their faith and trust in Jesus, and that God’s comforting peace is the greatest means by which we cope with the death of those who go before us. Physical death seems surreal at times when a loved one goes unexpectedly. But the eternal is more powerful than the temporal, and what we see by faith is bigger than what our physical eyes are seeing. Believe it. Count on it. And look forward to it, in Jesus’ name.

Lord, help us joyfully and confidently look forward to an eternity with You, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Bruce Greene, brucegreeneart.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Bruce, and God bless you.

Brad McClain