
Where have all the horses gone,

They galloped far away,

The ones I rode when I was young,

Cross hills of yesterday.

Where did all the cattle go,

We gathered, roped and tied,

Fed and fattened, took good care,

Or at least we tried.

Where did all the cowboys go,

The ones we learned things from,

Guess they’ve gone to their reward,

When all their work was done.

Where are all my yesterdays,

They are still with me,

No matter now how old I get,

They live in memory.

Where, oh where are Mom and Dad,

Those we loved and friends,

Gone to Jesus, in His arms,

On angels’ wings He sends.

Where and when we say good-bye

On this earthly plain,

The temporary tears we cry

Because we feel the pain,

Where grief and loss and sadness,

Are tragically so real,

But thank God for His comfort,

His peace that we can feel.

Where is grace so needed,

Oh, Lord, we need it now,

Soothe our hearts and ease our minds,

Great Spirit, show us how.

“Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?” (Romans 8:35, NIV)

Is there anyone or anything more powerful than the love of Christ? When things change and people pass, does this affect His love for us? Absolutely not! The power of His love is unstoppable. Does this mean that His love has healed all of us? No. And why is that? Because all have not been willing to receive it. Nonetheless it is there, and unconditionally. This means that It is available to us, just the way we are and when we need it the most. Think of that the next time a loved one leaves us in death. Can their death diminish God’s love? No, and when grief, sorrow, and loss grip our hearts, it’s the best time to realize that God’s love is there, closer than the air we breathe, to comfort and strengthen us. That love can give us peace when all else crumbles and falls. Don’t miss it.

Lord, help us to realize that nothing can separate us from Your love, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Mark Maggiori, markmaggiori.com. Used by permission.  Thanks, Mark, and God bless you.

Art by Mark Maggiori, markmaggiori.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Mark, and God bless you.

Brad McClain