I once grew tired of living,
I fell into despair,
It was the deepest valley,
And I just did not care.
I thought it would be better,
If my life just could end,
A loaded gun in one hand,
Some whiskey for a friend.
But, no, I did not do it,
I came back from the edge,
Can’t believe I thought it,
Or felt so strong a wedge,
Between my love for living,
And hope for better days,
Thought I could not find it,
So blinded was my gaze.
But God was not through with me,
He put His arms around,
He whispered low and quietly,
I barely heard the sound.
Of His voice sweet and tender,
Calling me back from,
The lies of that old devil,
And all that made me numb.
Each day since that moment,
Has been blessed for me,
And I am just so thankful,
The Lord helped me to see,
That He would be my future,
And things would be okay,
And I didn’t have to worry,
Or with depression stay.
Praise Him for His presence,
Praise Him for the way,
He makes plain before us,
Every single day.
“The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy…” (John 10:10, NLT)
There is a thief that will rob everything of value from you. The devil is the great destroyer. When people fall into depression and despair, the enemy often uses their circumstances to drive them to paralysis or even suicide. But no child of God should have to put up with this attack. Why? Because in Jesus name we can resist the devil and he will flee. The issue then becomes how are we giving place to the devil? Are we entertaining sinful attitudes toward others? May the Lord help us forgive everyone and live blamelessly before Him.
Lord, please help us to cast every care on You because You care for us, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Clark Kelley Price, clarkkelleyprice.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Clark, and God bless you.