
When people keep their distance,

It’s best to understand,

They are simply trying,

To do the best they can.

Not to catch a virus,

They’ve been sick before,

Don’t want to be infected,

That’s why the fastened door.

But I observe this truly,

For some it’s not disease,

But just they are not open,

And very ill at ease.

If someone gets closer,

Than they want them to,

Keep you at arm’s distance,

And walls to prevent you.

Don’t open up the inside,

You just the outside see,

Don’t know how they’re feeling,

What might their heartbreak be.

I think that’s the reason,

Somewhere in their past,

Someone really hurt them,

And now to make life last,

They protect their feelings,

That’s why you do not see,

Much more than the surface,

Or their identity.

And that is why God’s Good News,

Really is so good,

And everyone can hear it,

Because they really should.

God knows all about us,

From Him we cannot hide,

And He really loves us,

So in Him we confide,

And in the love that heals us,

We can transparent be,

Not scared to get closer,

And let our neighbors see.

That grace can heal what’s painful,

When we walk in the light,

Come out of the darkness,

And clearly do what’s right.

“For He has rescued us from the kingdom of darkness and transferred us into the Kingdom of His dear Son, who purchased our freedom and forgave our sins.” (Colossians 1:13, NLT)

Being known by someone can be threatening. Why? If they get to know how we really are, they might not love us. In fact, how could you trust anyone who says they love you but doesn’t really know you? They might fall out of love if they discover the real you, warts and all. The good news is that God knows us best and loves us the most. We cannot surprise Him, neither can we do anything that diminishes or increases His love. If we do something wrong, He still. loves us. If we do something right, He loves us the same. This is because His love is never based upon our performance but rather on Himself. God is love above all else. This does not mean we don’t need to change. It simply means it is His love that heals and energizes the change. We can never truly open up with others until we have experienced the grace that heals our deepest wounds. By His stripes we are healed.

Lord, help us walk in the light with You and one another, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Don Weller, donweller.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Don, and God bless you.

Art by Don Weller, donweller.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Don, and God bless you.

Brad McClain