A day of clouds and thunder,
And rain that came and went,
Old Daddy said the moisture,
Was always heaven-sent.
Time to do some ground work,
And then go make a round,
A-horseback with a good friend,
And very little sound.
And then when it was over,
We looked up in the sky,
And there arched up above us,
A rainbow way up high.
Just had to stop and see it,
And give the Lord our praise,
We said thank You, Jesus,
Both my hands were raised.
Rainbows point to promise,
The God who sends the rain,
Will not e’er forsake us,
And He will heal our pain.
He sent His Son to save us,
Christ died and rose again,
And we receive salvation,
When we allow Him in.
Receive His holy promise,
And all the grace He gives,
Jesus died to give it,
And once again He lives.
“But to all who believed Him and accepted Him, He gave the right to become children of God.” (John 1:12)
Are you a child of God? In some sense, we all are. That’s because we as human beings are created in the image of God. But John’s gospel says that there is a relationship that is only possible when we believe in Jesus and accept Him into our lives. Then we are not merely “generically” kin to God, but we receive a spiritual birth that restores our status as His kids. Jesus claimed that this spiritual birth was a non-negotiable for both seeing and entering God’s Kingdom. The important truth of this transaction is not only its necessity but also its requirement. What is required? Belief in Christ and acceptance of Christ. Belief that He died for us and was raised from the dead, and acceptance of His role as our Savior and the Lord of our lives. This involves both trust and surrender. God has promised that if we receive it, His grace is freely given to us, and is something that can never be earned or deserved. That’s why we are told in scripture that we are saved by grace through faith. Are you a child of God?
Lord, make us Your children and make us sure of it, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Tim Cox, timcox.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Tim, and God bless you.